But most Beta testing versions of any app can be unstable and may cause more problems. You can also choose to switch to the WhatsApp Beta option that will provide you with a much more updated version of WhatsApp that you can use to create the backup. Now open WhatsApp again and then attempt the backup. To do this on your Android device, tap on Settings > Apps > Open the Apps List > Select WhatsApp and then tap on “Force Stop”. Reddit users may have better suggestions, including the following Reference: Official Suggestions from WhatsApp about Restoring from a Google Drive backup 2. You can also try to back up on a different network. So, if you are trying to back up over a cellular network, ensure that you have sufficient data to support both Google Play Services and WhatsApp. Also, this may be a connectivity issue.Please note that Google Play services is only available on Android 2.3.4 or higher so if your device is running anything lower, you may need to update it first. You must also verify that Google Play services is installed on your device and that it is up to date.Check that you have a Google account added to your phone and that the Google account is activated.They suggest checking the following if you are unable to back up your WhatsApp chats to Google Drive WhatsApp seems to think that there could be a problem with the way that you have configured your Google Drive account. Suggestions from Android Central Discussions.